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Discover Chile



Travel on a Path less trodden…to Chile

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing”
- Helen Keller

Real travelers love South America. Andean peaks, Amazonian rainforest, Patagonian glaciers, Incan ruins, colonial towns, white-sand beaches & vertiginous nightlife: the wonders of South America set the stage for incredible adventures. It is as though the continent was built for travel; a place that excites, thrills, challenges & infuriates.


& Chile is an invitation hard to refuse.  From the extreme north with the driest desert in the world to the austral south with eternal ice & inverted waterfalls, it is nature on a colossal scale, where the impossible is possible. An incredibly varied & exciting vacation destination with landscapes rivalled by few……. Chile has always meant nature as it should be, in so many places a tangled & vast wilderness not yet marred by human intervention. You just come prepared to be charmed…


You can hike past ancient Temples first laid down by the Incas, contemplate the awe-inspiring power of Iguazú Falls, or spend the day watching wildlife from a dugout canoe on one of the Amazon's countless igarapes (narrow waterways). You can barrel down Andean roads by mountain bike, go white-water rafting on Class V rivers & surf amazing breaks off both coasts. And once you think you have experienced it all, head to the dramatic landscapes in Tierra del Fuego, go eye-to-eye with extraordinary creatures in the Galapagos, & scramble up tableland mountains in the Gran Sabana for a panorama that seems straight out of the Mesozoic era.


South America's diversity doesn't end with landscapes. You will find former colonial towns where cobblestone streets lead past Churches & Plazas little changed since the 18th century. You can haggle over colorful textiles at indigenous markets, share meals with traditional dwellers of the rainforest & follow the pounding rhythms of Afro-Brazilian drum corps. South America is home to an astounding variety of living and ancient cultures, and experiencing it first-hand is as easy as showing up.


From the snow-capped peaks of the Andes to the undulating waterways of the Amazon, South America spreads a dazzling array of natural wonders. This is a continent of lush rainforests, towering volcanoes, misty cloud forests, bone-dry deserts, red-rock canyons & ice-blue glaciers. After taking in some of the incredible natural wonders found in every country in South America, you can head to the coast for an idyllic retreat among palm-fringed, white-sand beaches & photogenic tropical Islands. As landscapes go, there aren't many other places on earth that offer so much variety.


Sweat yourself dizzy on an Amazon canoe ride before ending the day caiman-watching on a black-water lagoon. Brave a white-knuckle bus ride down Peruvian slopes & be astounded by endless Andean vistas. Endure Patagonia’s wind-driven rain while chasing life affirming sunsets or simply lose yourself (and possibly your belongings) in the break-neck chaos of Buenos Aires or Salvador.


The real reward, however, is the South American spirit. It seems like the entire Continent approaches life with the enthusiasm of an old-fashioned road trip: windows down & stereo blaring. There is as much music as there are adventures to be had. Samba spices up the sandy streets of Brazilian beach towns, panpipes liven Andean markets, Argentine folklorica (folk music) trickles out of truck radios in the pampas, & the jolting rhythm of cumbia makes those Andean bus rides even more absurd. South America is a Continent that engulfs you and changes you - your state of mind, your outlook on life. As soon as you step foot on South American soil, the transformation begins.


And for the raison d’etre for this journey - Chile, where the adventure is what happens on the way to having an adventure.


Land of ExtremesLa Buena Onda   |  Wine Culture

Rough around the edges, superlative in its natural beauty, rugged, vexing, complex & slightly nerve-racking. From the driest desert in the world up north to eternal Glaciers & inverted Waterfalls down south, Chile extends travelers an invitation that is hard to turn down.


The longest & thinnest country in the world runs from the Andes to the Pacific. As well as sharing borders with Argentina, Peru & Bolivia. Chile also has territories in Polynesia & Antarctica, making it a tri-continental nation.


Bookended by the Andes & the Pacific, the country averages just 175 km wide. Chile stretches from the belly of South America to its foot, reaching from the driest desert on earth to vast southern glacial fields. Diverse landscapes unfurl over a 4300 km stretch. Filling up the in-between are extraordinary Volcanoes, parched Dunes, Geysers, Beaches, Rivers, fertile Valleys, Steppe, ancient magical Forests & Lakes lying at the foot of massive thousand-year-old Glaciers in the far south, Fjords & countless Islands full of legends & Wine traditions. Space observation in the Atacama Desert & the beautiful Andes mountain range is rarely far from view, defining the country's eastern border.


There is wonder in every detail & nature on a symphonic scale. For the traveler, it is boggling how so much has stayed intact for so long. The very human quest for development could imperil these treasures sooner than we think. Yet for now, Chile guards some of the most pristine parts of our Planet, not to be missed.   


An extensive territory with wide horizons that will make you feel alive, get you in touch with nature & invite you to explore pristine lands. A true test of your senses, where its people and culture will offer a pleasant surprise with their friendliness and hospitality. A completely new experience where the whales can fly, the desert yields flowers, and you can enjoy the 4 seasons of the year in a single day.


What’s on offer? Everything. Such a rich natural setting provides Chile with a wealth of possibilities for fans of the great outdoors. From excellent Skiing facilities, through to Trekking, Horse riding & white-water Rafting, adventure sport opportunities in Chile will push most adrenaline junkies to their limits.


No wonder you start greeting the same faces. Pause & it starts to feel like home. Perhaps it is because you have landed at the end of the Continent, but one thing that stands out is hospitality. Buena onda (good vibes) means putting forth a welcoming attitude. Patagonians share round upon round of mate tea. The ritual of relating & relaxing is so integral to the fabric of local life, it is hardly even noticed. But they do say one thing: stay & let your guard down.


But don’t forget that Chile is as much about character as it is setting. Its far-flung location fires the imagination & has been known to make Poets out of Barmen, Dreamers out of Presidents & friends out of strangers. A few wrong turns & detours and you too will be part of this tightly woven family who barbecues on Sunday. Don’t forget to bring an extra bottle of red to the long, lazy dinners that await you.


Let the magnitude & diversity of Chile’s landscape enrapture you. The Pacific Ocean tumbles onto the vast sands as lush Vineyards stretch through Valleys. Opulent saline Deserts contrast stunning blue glaciers. In the sparkling cities beside lavish nature, or within the heart of the scenery itself, there is no doubt that Chile will captivate you.


Pedal the chunky gravel of the Carretera Austral & end up sharing ferries with SUVs & Oxcarts, taking a wrong turn & finding heaven in an anonymous Orchard. Serendipity takes over. Plans may be made, but try being just as open to experience. Locals never rush, so maybe you shouldn’t either. 'Those who hurry waste their time,' is the Patagonian saying that would serve well as a traveler's mantra.


Before wine became an export commodity for the luxury set, humble casks had their place on every Chilean table. Grandparents tended backyard orchards. Now, Chile has become a worldwide producer catering to ever more sophisticated palates. Rich reds, crisp whites & floral roses, there is a varietal that speaks to every mood & occasion. But at home, it is something different. Chileans embrace the concept of la buena mesa. It is not about fancy. Beyond a good meal, it’s great company, the leisure of overlapping conversations with uncorkings & the gaze that is met at the clink of 2 glasses. Salud!


The capital Santiago nestles in a central valley between the Andes & the Chilean Coastal Mountain range. A cosmopolitan city with its own version of Bond Street - Alonso de Cordova - it has several Museums, Spanish colonial buildings & Parks. Santiago also has a wide range of accommodation & restaurants nestling on the cobbled street corners.


With easy infrastructure, spectacular sights & hospitable hosts, the hardest part is choosing an itinerary. Consider the sweeping desert solitude, craggy summits and the lush forests of the fjords. Rapa Nui & the isolated Isla Robinson Crusoe offer extra continental exploits.


Chile is nature on a colossal scale, but travel here is surprisingly easy if you don't rush it. Here,  adventure is what happens on the way to having an adventure & that is just the beginning...... Now is a great time to visit, so get your spirit in gear & prepare for an unforgettable adventure. & Yep !......  Patagonia is waiting & The Journeys is ready to take you on well, a journey (or journeys) of discovery.


Come…be inspired & discover the World with us


We are in the process of updating our Offerings of experiential journeys to Chile. Please contact us in the interim if you want to explore options & we will be happy to offer suggestions based on your personal preferences…








11 Days / 10 Nights
Chilean Odyssey
This 11 day journey will take you through the longest country in the world in style with luxurious accommodations and phenomenal excursions. Travel from the capital city of Santiago to the Chilean Patagonia with its glaciers, massive granite towers, beautiful and rare wildlife and the Strait of Magellan. Then travel to the north to experience the contrasting Atacama Desert with its lagoons and hot springs for unparalleled serenity and immense beauty.
Discover: Santiago * Valparaiso * Vina del Mar * San Pedro de Atacama * Puerto Varas * Chiloe Islands * Ancus * Castro * Puerto Varas * Santiago
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